Sugar monoculture, bovid skeletal part frequencies, and stable carbon isotopes: Interpreting enslave

Author:Klippel, WE

Article Title:Sugar monoculture, bovid skeletal part frequencies, and stable carbon isotopes: Interpreting enslaved African diet at Brimstone Hill, St Kitts, West Indies

Sugar production was so pervasive in the British West Indies during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries that provisions were regularly shipped to the islands from as far away as Europe and North America. Skeletal part frequencies of bovids from late 18th century enslaved African contexts at Brimstone Hill Fortress, St Kitts, indicate that sheep and goats were probably raised locally, but that many of the cattle bones were transported to the site as barrelled beef. Stable carbon isotopes in sheep, goats, and cattle bones confirm these interpretations. This, in spite of the fact that cattle remains from Brimstone Hill included numerous marrow bones that ostensibly were excluded from barrelled beef. It is concluded that marrow bones, while reportedly excluded from barrelled beef, may have been included in provisions destined for enslaved Africans in the West Indies.

Keywords: British West Indies; enslaved African diet; sugar monoculture; bovids; skeletal part frequencies; stable carbon isotopes

DOI: 10.1006/jasc.2000.0636


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