Studies of ancient glass and their application to nuclear-waste management

Author:Römich, H

Article Title:Studies of ancient glass and their application to nuclear-waste management

During several hundred years of burial in the soil, glass objects, especially those with the high potassium content of medieval compositions, develop heavily corroded surfaces, showing phenomena such as local pitting, laminated layers, and browning effects. The long-term behavior of glass in the soil of in contact with groundwater is not only of interest to glass scientists with a background in archaeology, but also for those with a special interest in nuclear-waste management. Several attempts have been made to propose the decompostion of ancient glasses as an indicator for the performance of buried nuclear-waste glasses. In spite of differences in glass composition and exposure conditions, the development of alteration or corrosion layers with time is a common concern, as shown in this article. Laboratory experiments, representing a simplified model for real conditions, offer the possiblity for systematic investigations.

Keywords: archaeology; corrosion; glasses; nuclear-waste management

DOI: 10.1557/mrs2003.146


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