Sherds and the City: Pottery Production, Society, and the Changing Urban Fabric of Fustat, Egypt

Author:Gascoigne, Alison L.; Sheehan, Peter D.

Article Title:Sherds and the City: Pottery Production, Society, and the Changing Urban Fabric of Fustat, Egypt

This paper coordinates archaeological information on the changing urban landscape of Egypt's first Islamic-era capital, Fustat, with topographical, social, and economic insights from the Geniza archive and other sources. A focus on the organization of the city's pottery industry provides new insights into the multiple abandonments and reoccupations familiar from historical sources, showing how diverse residential areas were turned to industrial use (and back) via adaptable transitional processes.

Keywords:  Egypt; Fustat; urbanism; industry; pottery

DOI: 10.1080/00934690.2024.2374148


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