New data about the use of coinage in Late Antique Tridentum (Trento, Italy)

Author:Delgado, Noe Conejo

Article Title:New data about the use of coinage in Late Antique Tridentum (Trento, Italy)

In 2003, rescue excavations at Piazzeta dell'Anfiteatro, Trento, identified an extramuralfunerary area dated to the 5th c. CE. The necropolis yielded 45 coins (3rd-5th c.), most of whichwere involuntary losses. Owing to the sound stratigraphy of the site, these coins present a reliablesample of coinage circulating inTridentumduring the 5th c. This study presents a brief synthesisof the transformations undergone by the Late Antique city, so as to understand the dynamics attestedin Piazzeta dell'Anfiteatro, a description of the stratigraphic units that contained coins, and a detailedanalysis of the coins from several perspectives. The aim is to improve our understanding of the LateAntique monetary history of the city and Trentino's territory.

Keywords:  numismatic; Late Roman bronze coinage; Late Roman economy; rituality; Trentino; northern Italy

DOI: 10.1017/S1047759424000205


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