
The Hellenistic Biblical Archaeology. A State of Research

The Hellenistic Biblical Archaeology. A State of Research


This paper analyses the history and development of biblical archaeology, namely about the Hellenistic period. First of all, we study the beginnings of this science throughout the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, characterised by a grad


An Annotated WWII Underwater Archaeology Bibliography


With four decades of WWII underwater archaeology publications, the time is nigh to create a comprehensive bibliography and conduct an analysis of trends within the growing subfield. This paper presents a decade-by-decade analysis of academic publications


Female Microhistorical Archaeology


Microhistory is a part of historical research that focuses on the behaviours, practices, and perceptions of individuals and small communities, locating them in social, economic, and cultural frameworks. Although archaeology has already focused on similar


Community archaeology and climate change


Archaeological heritage is under threat by climate change all over the world and its resulting impacts are happening so quickly and within so many different physical and socio-cultural contexts, that it is impossible for any single organization or discipl