Dynamic hip kinematics during recreational classical ballet and hula dance after total hip arthropla

Author:Komiyama, Keisuke; Hamai, Satoshi; Hara, Daisuke; Ikebe, Satoru; Wang, Yifeng; Gondo, Hirotaka; Higaki, Hidehiko; Nakashima, Yasuharu

Article Title:Dynamic hip kinematics during recreational classical ballet and hula dance after total hip arthroplasty: two case reports

Background: The in vivo assessment of the three-dimensional kinematics of the hip during dance activities in patients after total hip arthroplasty has not been previously reported. We evaluated the replaced hip kinematics during recreational classical ballet and hula dance using radiographic-based image- matching techniques. Case presentation: A 58-year-old Japanese woman (patient 1; height, 157 cm; weight, 74.5 kg) and a 73-year-old Japanese woman (patient 2; height, 153 cm; weight, 48 kg) were still doing classical ballet and hula dance, respectively, after primary total hip arthroplasty. For ballet, there were gradual three-dimensional hip movements with 48 degrees flexion, 36 degrees abduction, and 49 degrees external rotation in developpe and 34 degrees flexion, 29 degrees abduction, and 43 degrees external rotation in plie. For hula, there were small three-dimensional hip movements with 31 degrees flexion, 15 degrees adduction, and 11 degrees external rotation in kao and 17 degrees flexion, 11 degrees adduction, and 11 degrees external rotation in kaholo. No liner-to-neck contact was found in any dance activities. Conclusion: Both classical ballet and hula dance produced complex ranges of hip movements and activitydependent kinematics. These kinematic data could be useful for recommending each patient with total hip arthroplasty to continue recreational dance activities.

Keywords: Hula; Ballet; Dance; Total hip arthroplasty; Kinematics; Image-matching

DOI: 10.1186/s13256-018-1942-2


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