Rehearsing floor-based clinical practice: mapping Mental Health in Primary Care in interface with da

Author:Barone, Luciana Rodriguez; Paulon, Simone Mainieri

Article Title:Rehearsing floor-based clinical practice: mapping Mental Health in Primary Care in interface with dance

This article describes a study that, by taking dance as an intercessor, brings clinical practice in Mental Health into play in primary care. In a family health clinic, clinical practice in Mental Health is destabilized and invited to dance. A psychologist-dancer-researcher awakens the sensibility of the body to problematize clinical practice, prompted by dance experimentation. Underpinned by the cartographic method, a proposal for floor-based clinical practice is developed, which is the focus of this text. The proposal embraces the transversality of the fields of art and clinical practice to produce resonances, contagion. A joint consultation with a community health agent is called to compose the movements that create the research, which, taking the floor as its ally, invents modes of clinical practice and ways of proliferating feelings.

Keywords: Extended clinical practice; Mental health; Family health; Dance; Cartographic method

DOI: 10.1590/Interface.180599


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