Article Title:Resonances and murmurings in the playing of the dance: the difer(a)ncia of the body in its excrito sense
To touch does not necessarily imply the tactile contact of the bodies, but rather it is a direct touch to the interior of the body, to being sensitive, from the soul. The body in its sensitivity touches with its existence the dance and the movement that the interpreter projects to wards exteriority. With the experience of the sensitive body that others project and expose to the sound of movement, the choreographies evoke the unspeakable of the image-body-movement. The soul is its extension that manages to enter the other bodies until they touch them, captivate them, shake them and shake them. The external and sensitive being of the body is what touches and is touched by other bodies. Because the experience of touch is reciprocal: it must be touched to achieve touch, feel to make feel and moved to move. The body in sensation with the dance, feels what it expresses, experiences real and deep emotions that resonate within it, being directed out of it from the exposure of its cor-po reality and the extension of its internal being that is touched by the sense of one's own body.
Keywords: Body; sense; image/dance; write/excritura
DOI: 10.6035/Artseduca.2019.22.12
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