Article Title:Slowing and Stilling: Gardening and Releasing
This article will share the early stages of a research project about gardening and dance/embodiment, one that examines ideas of practice, activities and art. It is fragile, and a disclosing of a process in a way that we do not normally share: so often our writing is after a project or piece of research or art is completed. I am curious about the gentleness and vulnerability of revealing the first phase of something, of asking questions that are ongoing and not yet answered. I am also aware of an expanding of focus in my own life and work from dance to gardening, with all of the in-betweenness, processes and connections of that.
Keywords: allotment gardening; embodiment slow movement; Skinner Releasing Technique; improvised dance; eco-somatics
DOI: 10.1386/jdsp_00006_1
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