Article Title:Swordplay Uncloaked: Women as Active Agents in Ana Caro's Valor, agravio, y mujer and Lope de Vega's La pobreza estimada
This article explores possible dance and swordplay choreography in Felix Lope de Vega's La pobreza estimada (1597-1603) and Ana Caro's Valor, agravio, y mujer (1630s-1640s) in hopes of shedding light on the manner in which women as active agents or bodies in transaction contributed to the sociopolitical discourse of the space in theater. The excerpts and images examined from treatises on acting, dance, and swordsmanship, such as Alonso Lopez Pinciano's Philosophi ' a antigua poetica (1596), Juan de Esquivel Navarro's Discursos sobre el arte del danzado (1642), and Luis Pacheco de Narvaez's Libro de las grandezas de la espada (1600), help the reader envision women wielding swords in early modern Spanish theater.
Keywords: women; body; theater; swordplay; dance
DOI: 10.5325/comeperf.16.1.0086
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