Artistic work as a practice of translation on the global art market: the example of African dancer a

Author:Klein, Gabriele

Article Title:Artistic work as a practice of translation on the global art market: the example of African dancer and choreographer Germaine Acogny

Identity, difference, and translation are important theoretical concepts in the field of translation studies and postcolonial studies. It is a basic assumption of this lecture that aesthetic and cultural translation is exposed to the paradox of identity and difference and that this paradox is particularly evident in artistic performance practices such as dance and choreography. Focusing on the artistic work of choreographer and dancer Germaine Acogny (Senegal), the lecture addresses artistic translation practices under postcolonial conditions in the global art market of so-called contemporary dance. The aim is to illustrate how contradictory, hybrid, and fragmented the cultural and aesthetic translation process is, how the global art market shapes the artistic strategies of translation, and how aesthetic productivity lies in the impossibility of translating cultural experience artistically.

Keywords: Artistic translation; Global art market; African dance

DOI: 10.11606/issn.2238-3867.v19i2p28-47


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