Article Title:Flamenco and emotions: New techniques of Socio-Educational intervention with minors at risk of social exclusion
This paper attempts to explain the use of dance, especially the flamenco dance, as a useful tool for to promote the identification of emotions in children at risk of social exclusion with the aim of contributing to the personal and social development of ten children at the La Salle-Amigo de Paterna Shelter Center (Valencia), of which four were serving a judicial measure. To this end, an intervention project was designed, developed and evaluated, whose methodology focused on the use of flamenco dance. This project was implemented over ten sessions lasting two hours, each one. In order to determine the incidence of this intervention, different evaluation instruments have been used, through which the data presented in this article was collected and show that the children improved in the identification of their emotions, thus improving their relationship with the environment.
Keywords: Dance; Children at risk of social exclusion; Flamenco; Socio-educational tool; Emotions
DOI: 10.4995/reinad.2019.10455
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