Learning to love math through the exploration of maypole patterns

Author:Campbell, Julianna; von Renesse, Christine

Article Title:Learning to love math through the exploration of maypole patterns

In this paper, Prof. Christine von Renesse and Julianna Campbell show how seeing maypole dancing through a mathematical lens can excite liberal arts students to deeply explore mathematics. After describing the general class set-up and pedagogy, Julianna tells her perspective as a student in the class. The rest of the paper explains the mathematics discovered by the class in Fall 2016 and Julianna Campbell's independent study in Spring 2017. How many non-equivalent ribbon patterns are there, given the number of dancers and number of colours? [GRAPHICS] .

Keywords: Maypole dancing; mathematics for liberal arts; discovering the Art of Mathematics; inquiry-based learning; patterns

DOI: 10.1080/17513472.2018.1513231


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