Article Title:Music in factories: a twentieth-century technique for control of the productive self
This paper discusses the. historical use of music to produce more efficient, more committed, industrial workers. First emerging in academia early in the twentieth century, psychological interest in the industrial application of music had grown into a topic of popular interest and government investigation by the 1940s. Catalysed by the need for vast increases in production and the desire to cultivate 'citizenship' amongst industrial workers which the Second World War produced, consideration of how music could be employed as an affective soundtrack in factories-to raise employees' work rates, to increase their efficiency, to combat fatigue and boredom, to improve morale, to access and manipulate their emotions and loyalties-became a prominent area of psychological research. This paper examines that psychological research and its largest scale application in the BBC radio show Music While You Work, broadcast daily to millions of British factory workers from 1940 until 1967. The paper focuses particularly on conceptualizations of music's affective power and its utilization to exert 'emotional control' over spaces of work and the working self. This paper is centrally concerned with the practice of Music While You Work as a programme broadcasting specifically for factory spaces, and how this confronted the BBCs music policies for a national and domestic audience, impacting on the radical nature of the affective soundtrack to work which was produced.
Keywords: sonic geography; music broadcasting; industrial psychology; wartime workspace
DOI: 10.1080/14649360500258229
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