Test of the sound: Scenic device and kinesthesic space in the electronic music

Author:Lebas, F

Article Title:Test of the sound: Scenic device and kinesthesic space in the electronic music

In this text, we would shade the light on a contemporary sensitiveness linked to the event of the bodily perception of sound. This reflexion will start with the plastic properties of electonic music sound. Deconstructiong and reconstructing scenic elements of festive movement from industrial and technoid music, following also the traditions inaugurated by the art total, the performance and lastly the work called immersive, we will update space kinesthesic organisation. This immersed body in this space event, would test high intensity sensations. A body that we will call without organ, a reflect of our post modernism in his quest of exacerbated sensations and interstitial spaces of freedom.

Keywords: body; sensation; electronic music; haptique; kinesthesis

DOI: 10.3917/soc.090.0099


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