Pop and world music in Dutch music education: two cases of authentic learning in music teacher educa

Author:Evelein, Frits

Article Title:Pop and world music in Dutch music education: two cases of authentic learning in music teacher education and secondary music education

Popular and world music play an important role in Dutch music education. This article examines two case studies that illustrate authentic music learning environments in which these types of music are prominently used. The first case follows a student during her training at the Rotterdam Academy for Music Education, in which her own musical and teaching experiences are crucial elements of her training. The second case focuses on a recently published music methodology in the Netherlands called Soundcheck. Following this methodology, pupils in secondary education are stimulated by playing in groups on real instruments, using pop and world music. Reflecting on their musical experiences helps them to learn more about music. These case studies illustrate in a practical sense the dynamics of authentic music learning in schools and in a music teacher education programme in the multicultural environment of Rotterdam.

Keywords: authentic contexts; flow; popular music; reflective practice; student teaching

DOI: 10.1177/0255761406065479


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