The Aflat-C-E complex: The origin and function of chromatic major third collections in nineteenth-ce

Author:Bribitzer-Stull, Matthew

Article Title:The Aflat-C-E complex: The origin and function of chromatic major third collections in nineteenth-century music

The M-C-E major-third constellation stands as a prototype for nineteenth-century composers' expressive and structural uses of chromatic major-third relations. After tracing the origins of the collection, this article presents a conglomeration of hierarchic and transformational analytic approaches to Ab-C-E music by central European composers to demonstrate that recognition of the complex comprises a valuable added dimension to our structural and phenomenological hearings of romantic-era music.

Keywords: chromaticism; Schenkerian analysis; Neo-Riemannian analysis; third relations; 19th-century music

DOI: 10.1525/mts.2006.28.2.167


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