Rap-music attitude and perception scale: A validation study

Author:Tyson, EH

Article Title:Rap-music attitude and perception scale: A validation study

Objective: This study tests the validity of the Rap-music Attitude and Perception (RAP) Scale, a 1-page, 24-item measure of a person's thoughts and feelings surrounding the effects and content of rap music. The RAP was designed as a rapid assessment instrument for youth programs and practitioners using rap music and hip hop culture in their work with young people, their families, and their communities. Method: The factor structure validity, criterion-related validity, and internal consistency reliability of the RAP was assessed using a convenience sample of 605 young (M = 20.22 years, SD = 2.8) college students. Results: Multiple groups method and structural equation modeling analyses confirmed the three-factor model (empowerment, violent-misogynistic, and artistic-esthetic) of the RAP. Reliability and criterion-related validity results were also good. Conclusions: The RAP has sound psychometric properties, and its utility as a research and assessment tool for scholars and practitioners is promising.

Keywords: rap music; youth culture; hip hop culture; culturally based assessments; culturally sensitive interventions

DOI: 10.1177/1049731505281447


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