Article Title:In-store music and consumer-brand relationships: Relational transformation following experiences of (mis)fit
We examine the role of in-store music-brand fit in reinforcing brand position using in-depth interviews. Fit is particularly important for stores wishing to attract new consumers without prior brand experience or knowledge because these consumers view music as an important signaling cue to the brand's position, image and quality. We-also identified the effect of misfit. Misfit had two contrasting brand effects: misfit resulted in counterfactual thinking about the brand, leading to a decline in the consumer-brand relationship, and misfit could be used strategically as part of a repositioning strategy. These positive effects of fit were moderated by music volume. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: retail atmospherics; music; consumer-brand relationships; interpretive research
DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2006.07.001
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