MEG and EEG source localization in beamspace

Author:Rodríguez-Rivera, A; Baryshnikov, BV; Van Veen, BD; Wakai, RT

Article Title:MEG and EEG source localization in beamspace

Beamspace methods are applied to EEG/MEG source localization problems in this paper. Beamspace processing involves passing the data through a linear transformation that reduces the data dimension prior to applying a desired statistical signal processing algorithm. This process generally reduces the data requirements of the subsequent algorithm. We present one approach for designing beamspace transformations that are optimized to preserve source activity located within a given region of interest and show that substantial reductions in dimension are obtained with negligible signal loss. Beamspace versions of maximum likelihood dipole fitting, MUSIC, and minimum variance beamforming source localization algorithms are presented. The performance improvement offered by the beamspace approach with limited data is demonstrated by bootstrapping somatosensory data to evaluate the variability of the source location estimates obtained with each algorithm. The quantitative benefits of beamspace processing depend on the algorithm, signal to noise ratio, and amount of data. Dramatic performance improvements are obtained in scenarios with low signal to noise ratio and a small number of independent data samples.

Keywords:  beamspace; dipole fitting; electroencephalography; magnetoencephalography; maximum-likelihood; MUSIC; source localization; spatial filtering

DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2005.869764


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