Article Title:Jane Addams and the Limits of Sympathy. Failures, Corrections, and Lessons to be Learned
Jane Addams takes sympathetic knowledge as a key concept for her moral and political philosophy. However, regarding the classical objections to sympathy as a foundation for morality and democracy, some theoretical remarks are still needed. In this article we aim at showing that the main problem is not due to the absence but to the qualitative import of sympathy in democratic societies. To achieve this goal, we firstly consider Addams' idea of sympathetic knowledge in light of the influence of social evolutionary theorizing and her distinction between individual and social ethics. Secondly, we analyze the 1894 Pullman strike and the newsboy case, and we argue that failures in sympathy may be corrected by a horizontal process. As a result, we consider them not only as failures but mainly as lessons to be learned towards democracy as a rule of living. .
Keywords: Jane Addams; sympathetic knowledge; fallibilism; individual ethics; social ethics
DOI: 10.1163/18758185-BJA10084
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