Article Title:Nikolai Mikhailovskii and Konstantin Leont'ev. On the political implication of Herbert Spencer's sociology
I present a fragment from the history of the Russian reception of Herbert Spencer's sociology. The discussion concerns two diametrically opposed but exceptionally important figures in the history of Russian thought, Nikolai Mikhajlovskij (1842-1904) and Konstantin Leont'ev (1831-1891). As one of the chief ideologues of the Populist movement Mikhajlovskij turned Spencer's ideas into a negative frame of reference for his own `romantic socialist utopia'. In turn, Leont'ev formulated his extremely conservative political views on the basis of Spencer's organicist sociology. Though at the opposite ends of the spectrum both standpoints succeeded in exhibiting the political implications of the positivist and naturalist style of thinking.
Keywords: conservatism; liberalism; organicist sociology; political philosophy; positivism; socialism; Spencer in Russia
DOI: 10.1023/A:1013826915852
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