
The World in Indian and European Philosophy

The World in Indian and European Philosophy


The world is a comprehensive concept of the area of external experience in which all objects appear as external to our consciousness. It is also the area of becoming, transience and disappearance, resp. of birth, life and death (physiology, philosophical

Teaching World Philosophies: An Essay

Teaching World Philosophies: An Essay


To step up the activity level of academic philosophizing, Teaching World Philosophies will propose that one first engage in a thorough housecleaning before teaching world-philosophical traditions today. In the path that will be sketched as an example in t

Contemporary Bergsonism and Philosophy of Cosmology

Contemporary Bergsonism and Philosophy of Cosmology


The article examines the figure of Henri Bergson as a philosopher of science and the relevance of his ideas for modern philosophy of cosmology. In the first part, Bergson's philosophy is analyzed based on the classification of philosophical approaches to

Situating philosophy of religious studies

Situating philosophy of religious studies


'Philosophy of religious studies' is one possible name for a type of normative practice that has always been an inseparable part of that discipline itself. It is neither part of philosophy of religion nor an over-arching discipline that looks down in ju


The life sciences and the history of analytic philosophy


Comparative to the commonplace focus onto developments in mathematics and physics, the life sciences appear to have received relatively sparse attention within the early history of analytic philosophy. This paper addresses two related aspects of this phen


Methodologies and communities in comparative philosophy


There is considerable disagreement and even confusion over what forms of border-crossing philosophizing are most appropriate to our times. Are comparative, cross-cultural, intercultural, blended, and fusion philosophy all the same thing? Some critics find


African philosophy cannot be a thing


This essay unpacks several arguments about the metaphilosophic nature of African philosophy and charts a way through the problems these arguments encounter. It argues that we must be careful in our attempt to define African philosophy conceptually. Becaus


Fusion Philosophy and Epistemic Injustice


I use the concept of epistemic injustice to think through the practice and methodology of comparative, or fusion, philosophy. I make two related claims: 1) the philosophical ethnocentrism displayed by academic departments in the U.S. is a case of epistemi


Philosophy Moves


In this paper, I introduce the notion of 'philosophy moves': prominent tropes featured in contemporary academic philosophy. Moves are more than patterns-they are tools for advancing and enriching philosophical debates. By recognizing these patterns in t


Comparative Philosophy and Practical Applied Ethics


Comparative philosophy is gaining traction in professional academic philosophy, with specialist journals, organizations, books, and public campaigns. These inroads have been made in canonical areas of philosophy, including epistemology, metaphysics, logic