The Suffering Subject: Colonial Flogging in Northern Nigeria and a Humanitarian Public, 1904-1933

Author:Pierce, Steven

Article Title:The Suffering Subject: Colonial Flogging in Northern Nigeria and a Humanitarian Public, 1904-1933

Shortly after the start of colonial rule in Northern Nigeria, a series of scandals over flogging brought international attention. A network of newspapers reported on flogging cases, particularly those involving women and educated, often Christian, Africans from outside the north. International attention focused on these cases as humanitarian outrages. The Nigerian administration and the Colonial Office deflected the scandals through a shifting series of strategies: justifying flogging as appropriate and humane, attempting to ensure floggings were only administered by Africans, carefully regulating the practices of flogging, and investigating cases of flogging to exculpate the officials responsible. These scandals led to a reform of the criminal justice system in 1933, but had long-lasting effects. They entrenched the trope of whipped bodies as a particularly African outrage. They helped to institutionalize the notion that particular judicial and governmental techniques were culturally specific. They politicized key markers of personal identity.

Keywords:  Nigeria; colonialism; law; violence; bodies; public sphere; flogging; Islam; identity; religion

DOI: 10.1017/S0010417523000476


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