

Reincarnation, modernity and identity


A significant minority of Westerners believe in reincarnation, even though they do not belong to religions that teach it What is the relationship of their belief to personal identity? In areas of the world where reincarnation is accepted, one can identify


Sandplay and women's spirituality


A pastoral psychotherapist with a relational orientation offers an introduction to sandplay and describes how this tactile, symbolic modality can provide Opportunities for women to explore their Spirituality in the theraapeutic setting. The challenges and


Spirituality in the therapy process


The premise of this paper is that an individual Must have it clear sense of personal meaning to experience a productive and peaceful life and that the therapy process is not complete until each client has integrated a belief system that gives her a framew


Healing practices among the Yezidi sheikhs of Armenia


The Yezidis, speakers of a Kurdish dialect living mainly in northern Iraq, are distinguished from the (Muslim) Kurds and other neighboring communities by their religion, a syncretism of Islamic and Christian elements with local indigenous cults. They are

Nature in Roman Catholic tradition

Nature in Roman Catholic tradition


It is often suggested in contemporary anthropology that Western views of nature are fundamentally different from those in societies of nature, supposed to conceptualise the environment in non-dualistic terms. The author questions this view by discussing i


Religious pluralism and religious participation


For more than a decade, sociologists of religion have been debating the answer to a basic question: What is the relationship between religious pluralism and religious vitality? The old wisdom was that the relationship was negative, that pluralism undermin


Religion and comparative politics


Although scholars tend to downplay the role of religion in political life, the vast majority of people in the world profess a strong allegiance to some spiritual faith. Secularization theory has long held that religion would become irrelevant, leading man