Many religious people deny any conflict between religion and science, but nevertheless report less trust in science than non-religious people. We addr... [more]
As an indirect response to Galen Watts and Sharday Mosurinjohn's Can Critical Religion Play by Its Own Rules? this article aims to explicate what 'c... [more]
How do racial attitudes affect the relationship between religion and support for capital punishment? Past research has clearly established important links between religion, racial attitudes, and capital punishment. Yet, it remains unclear how racial attit
This article examines the impact of the integration of religion and psychological treatment in a religion-based therapeutic community for persons in recovery from addiction in Israel. Based on an exploratory qualitative study that includes participant obs
David Hume was a great philosopher of religion and of common life. In this essay, I interpret him as making extreme religious skepticism one part of his overall rhetorical form. In all his religious writings, however, Hume always takes a step back from Py
What do we gain from the scientific study of religion? One possibility is that religious contexts are unique, and cognition within these contexts is worth understanding. Another possibility is that religion can be viewed as a laboratory for understanding
Spatial approaches to religion have grown significantly in recent years and offer original perspectives for understanding new religious realities in the context of secularized countries. This article is an opportunity to show the richness of this spatial
People often rely on two distinct worldviews, religion and science, to make sense of the world, and the degree to which they rely on each holds profound implications for their lives. However, the precursors shaping these different sense-making approaches
The Restructuring of American Religion (1988) provided a still-influential framework for the study of American religion that centered the emergence, after World War II, of a left-right religio-political divide driving mobilization around conflicts underst
This essay responds to scholarly arguments that religion arose in the particular circumstances of the modern West, distinct chronologically and conceptually from medieval religio. It argues that in the Middle Ages, Christian persecution helped to form tha
Social scientific research challenges stereotypes of scientists as irreligious, on the one hand, and lacking aesthetic sensitivity, on the other. Yet, while some research suggests connections between these domains, the question remains as to whether and h
Many religious people deny any conflict between religion and science, but nevertheless report less trust in science than non-religious people. We address this puzzle using insights from goal systems theory. Goal systems theory suggests that, when people h
As an indirect response to Galen Watts and Sharday Mosurinjohn's Can Critical Religion Play by Its Own Rules? this article aims to explicate what 'critical religion' as a distinct theoretical framework means for the author in terms of how it has provid
This article discusses Schelling's contribution to the definition of the concept of religion in post-Kantian philosophy. In three lines of argument, it is shown that Schelling's late lectures on the philosophy of mythology and revelation place religion
There is a growing sociological literature examining how religion shapes attitudes toward science and technology. However, sociologists have done little to explore how attitudes toward religion and science shape support for end-of-life and life extension
This article considers how the work of Albert Piette can enhance a sociological understanding of religion as lived in everyday life. Although Piette is critical of sociologists in La Religion de pres (1999), his work resonates with scholarship on 'lived
This article discusses the relevance of Critical Religion to the sociology of religion. Critical Religion argues that the category of religion is a Western concept that through colonialism and imperialism has been superimposed over non-Western societies.