The Book for the Borderland. Production, Circulation, and Reception of a Guaraní Text Between two Co

Author:Vega, Fabian R.

Article Title:The Book for the Borderland. Production, Circulation, and Reception of a Guaraní Text Between two Continents

This article analyzes the process of production, circulation, and reception of books for the borderlands, i .e. , books printed in Europe but intended for the South American missionary borderlands. As a case study, the work examines the communication circuit behind Ara Poru aguiyey haba , a book written entirely in Guaran & iacute; language by Jesuits, printed in two volumes in Madrid between 1759-1760, and addressed primarily to the devout Indigenous people from the missions in Paraguay. The analysis presented demonstrates that clergymen who traveled between America and Europe - known as procurators - played a decisive role in all stages of this book's biography, which suggests that book history in the South American borderlands should be reconsidered as a moving and dynamic global history, influenced by religious factors.

Keywords:  Book history; Society of Jesus; Guaran & iacute; language; Guaran & iacute; missions; Paraguay; Spiritual literature

DOI: 10.1590/1806-93472024v44n95-13


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