On the symbiosis of science and religion: A Jewish perspective

Author:Samuelson, NM

Article Title:On the symbiosis of science and religion: A Jewish perspective

Three theses are explored, the first two historical and the third philosophical-theological: (1) throughout most of the history of Western civilization, science and religion have been closely connected with each other, and each has beneficed from the connection; (2) the belief that science and religion have always been in conflict is not based on the actual history of either set of institutions; and (3) structurally a relationship between the two institutions is in the interest of both. By religion here I mean specifically, but nor exclusively, Judaism.

Keywords:  Adam the Protobacterium; Aristotelianism; authority; belief; charity; Christendom; conversos; Daniel Dennett; The Guide of the Perplexed; Halakhah; Hallel; Islam; Jesus; Judaism; Kabbalah; Maimonidean controversy; Moses Maimonides; Mishneh Torah; modernity; Moses; pioneer macros; Rabbi Simon the Just; Saadia ben Joseph al-Fayyumi; silicon-based self-replicating crystals; Baruch Spinoza; Tractatus Theologico-Politicus truth claim

DOI: 10.1111/0591-2385.00261


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