Paul Tillich's perspectives on ways of relating science and religion

Author:Arther, DE

Article Title:Paul Tillich's perspectives on ways of relating science and religion

Where do Paul Tillich's views of the relationship between religion and science fit in Ian Barbour's four classifications of conflict, independence, dialogue, and integration? At different:levels of analysis, he fits in all of them. In concrete religions and sciences, some conflict is evident, bur religion and science can be thought of as having parallel perspectives, languages, and objectives. Tillich's method of correlation itself is a form of dialogue. His theology of nature in Life and the Spirit (Part 4 of his Systematic Theology) fits the integration type. His strong Two Types of Philosophy of Religion (in Theology of Culture) is a latent natural theology. His system of the sciences is a form of synthesis, a type of integration.

Keywords: conflict; correlation; dialogue; independence; integration; system of the sciences; theology of nature; ultimate concern

DOI: 10.1111/0591-2385.00358


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