The speech acts of the in-group

Author:Cutting, J

Article Title:The speech acts of the in-group

This article describes part of a longitudinal study off the casual conversations of six students as they become members of an academic discourse community. This article focuses on the speech acts of the students' language. It suggests a model of speech act categories that takes into account who or what is referred to (self, interlocutor or third party) and the attitude expressed (neutral, positive and negative). It outlines the changes over time in attitude expressed, showing that overt lexicalisations of a positive attitude to interlocutors increase. In addition, the topic determines the speech act used: those expressing a negative attitude to self and the situation are most frequent in conversations about the course. The article explores the social rules and norms of the in-group and how certain speech acts require other speech acts to follow. It suggests that some speech acts may be used to show solidarity and claim ingroup membership. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: longitudinal study of conversation; speech acts; interactional sociolinguistics; norms; solidarity; in-group membership; English

DOI: 10.1016/S0378-2166(00)00056-4


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