Simulating finite automata with context-free grammars

Author:Domaratzki, M; Pighizzini, G; Shallit, J

Article Title:Simulating finite automata with context-free grammars

We consider simulating finite automata (both deterministic and nondetenninistic) with context-free grammars in Chomsky normal form (CNTF). We show that any unary DFA with n states can be simulated by a CNF grammar with O(n(1/3)) variables, and this bound is tight. We show that any unary NFA with n states can be simulated by a CNF grammar with O(n(2/3)) variables. Finally, for larger alphabets we show that there exist languages which can be accepted by an n-state DFA, but which require Omega(n/log n) variables in any equivalent CNF grammar. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: formal languages; context-free grammar; finite automata

DOI: 10.1016/S0020-0190(02)00316-2


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