Combining diagnosis and treatment using ASBRU

Author:Seyfang, A; Miksch, S; Marcos, M

Article Title:Combining diagnosis and treatment using ASBRU

Traditionally, diagnosis and treatment have been seen as two distinct tasks. Consequently, most approaches to computer supported health care focus on one of the two-mostly on diagnosis or rather on the interpretation of measurements which is much better understood and formalised. However, in practice diagnosis and treatment overlap and influence each other in many ways. Combinations range from repeatedly going through the diagnosis-treatment loop over a period of time to permanent monitoring of the patients' health condition as it is done in intensive care units. In this article we describe how to model these combinations using the clinical protocol-representation language ASBRU. It implements treatment steps in a hierarchy of skeletal, time-oriented plans. Diagnosis can either be described in a declarative way in the conditions, under which treatment steps are taken or it can be modelled explicitly as plans of their own right. We demonstrate our approach using examples taken from the American Association of Paediatricians' guideline for the treatment of hyperbilirubinemia in the new-born. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: guideline; protocol-based care; diagnosis; treatment management; ASGAARD; hyperbilirubinemia; ASBRU

DOI: 10.1016/S1386-5056(02)00064-3


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