Modeling workflow processes with colored Petri nets

Author:Liu, DS; Wang, JM; Chan, SCF; Sun, JG; Zhang, L

Article Title:Modeling workflow processes with colored Petri nets

The definition and maintenance of workflow processes have become important tasks for enterprises as workflow management systems (WFMS) are systematically applied to critical business processes. In order to simplify the management and usage of workflow processes and to integrate with other applications, a good modeling method is essential. The WFCP-net (workflow-net based on colored Petri net) is an extension of the workflow-net (WF-net) which can be used to model family of workflow processes with similar process routes and logic rules. An expanding suite of tools, which currently includes, can support its application: a process structure graph editor, a WF script (workflow script language for writing business rules) editor and translator (translate WF script into Java classes) and a dynamically loadable workflow engine. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: workflow management system; colored Petri nets; workflow process specification; workflow script language

DOI: 10.1016/S0166-3615(02)00099-4


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