Article Title:Constructing the meaning of digital television in Britain, the United States and Australia
Much has been written about digital television. Mainstream reports range from a vague televisual utopia where one need never unplug oneself from the TV ever again to the social realities and practicalities of a consumer driven market. This study examines how the media constructs the meaning of digital television in Britain, the United States and Australia. Rogers' (1983, 1995) diffusion of innovation theory to assess the rate of diffusion the role that media communication (language) plays in this process. It uses a content analysis methodology to examine 1836 digital television articles, drawn from mainstream newspaper publications from 1996 to January 2002. Results from the analysis show a correlation between the extent of media coverage; the media's strategic, flexible and timed use of technological determinism-social construction language structures; and the degree and success of the diffusion of digital television in these research settings.
Keywords: communication; diffusion of innovation; digital television; social construction; technological determinism
DOI: 10.1177/146144402321466750
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