In this paper, we draw on data from world languages teachers (English, Spanish and French, in particular) to explore and unpack binaries encountered i... [more]
Decades of research has investigated the heterogeneity of English among speakers of various linguistic and cultural backgrounds, but there still remai... [more]
In this paper we describe Tagged Information Management System (TIMS), an integrated knowledge management system for the domain of molecular biology and biomedicine, in which terminology-driven literature mining, knowledge acquisition (KA), knowledge inte
Much of knowledge modeling in the molecular biology domain involves interactions between proteins, genes, various forms of RNA, small molecules, etc. Interactions between these substances are typically extracted and codified manually, increasing the cost
Literature mining is the process of extracting and combining facts from scientific publications. In recent years, many computer programs have been designed to extract various molecular biology findings from Medline abstracts or full-text articles. The pre
Two types of visualization and animation tools for LOTOS execution traces are presented: a translator from LOTOS traces to message sequence charts and a graphic animator. These are made possible by enforcing specific LOTOS styles and by providing certain
In this paper we address protocol animation in design and in operation from different points of view. These views are chosen according to the abstraction level (application view, communication view), the granularity (overview, details), and the system str
This paper presents an animation environment based on an open and flexible architecture. Its flexible architecture allows animating different animation sources (formal and executable language like SDL or scenario languages like MSC or UML sequence diagram
The design, construction and validation of a compact, portable flow injection analysis (FIA) instrument for underway analysis of phosphate in marine waters is described. This portable system employs gas pressure for reagent propulsion and computer control
This study was performed to test the validity and value of the Schizophrenia Quality of Life Scale as an assessment tool in a Japanese-language version (JSQLS). The subjects for the present study were 55 inpatients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia as def
Dynamic memory management has been an important part of a large class of computer programs and with the recent popularity of object oriented programming languages, more specifically Java, high performance dynamic memory management algorithms continue to b
Extensible markup language (XML), a simplified version of standard generalized markup language (SGML), is designed to enable electronic text interchange in the Internet. XML documents have a rigorously described structure that may be analyzed by computers
Hypermedia data browsing is a mean for improving information access. However, the overload and the heterogeneity of medical information, as well as the multitude of possible navigational paths, turn the consultation of data into a difficult task. We prese
Traditionally, diagnosis and treatment have been seen as two distinct tasks. Consequently, most approaches to computer supported health care focus on one of the two-mostly on diagnosis or rather on the interpretation of measurements which is much better u
Kramers-Kronig transforms (KKT) constitute a powerful tool to validate experimental impedance data. A new algorithm, containing a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) sub-routine, for the numerical calculus of the KKT has been developed. This algorithm is based i
This study used a sentence completion task to assess semantic choice in combat veterans. Twenty-eight combat veterans with (n = 14) and without (n = 14) posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) filled in the final word for 33 incomplete sentences after receiv
We present the building of a discrete event multimodel simulation tool of livestock farming systems, regrouping several mathematical models, and reproducing cattle herd performances through an individual based model. The main goal of this simulator is to