

Estimating internal memory fragmentation for Java programs


Dynamic memory management has been an important part of a large class of computer programs and with the recent popularity of object oriented programming languages, more specifically Java, high performance dynamic memory management algorithms continue to b


Combining diagnosis and treatment using ASBRU


Traditionally, diagnosis and treatment have been seen as two distinct tasks. Consequently, most approaches to computer supported health care focus on one of the two-mostly on diagnosis or rather on the interpretation of measurements which is much better u


Simulating finite automata with context-free grammars


We consider simulating finite automata (both deterministic and nondetenninistic) with context-free grammars in Chomsky normal form (CNTF). We show that any unary DFA with n states can be simulated by a CNF grammar with O(n(1/3)) variables, and this bound

Situating the 1960s: Popular music, postmodernism, history

Situating the 1960s: Popular music, postmodernism, history


This paper revisits Fredric Jameson's writing on postmodernism and 'periodizing the 1960s' in order to begin to construct a historical framework for popular music of the 1960s, using reference to the Beatles as a case study. As part of this constructio


Intellectual history vs the social history of intellectuals


Intellectual history, as it is practised today, covers a broad spectrum of approaches to the past: discourse studies in the wake of the 'linguistic turn', close textual analysis, intellectual biography, history of books and reading, institutional histor


Multiple wh-fronting


This article argues that overt multiple wh-fronting in languages like Bulgarian consists of moving a single wh-cluster to [Spec, CP]. The formation of wh-clusters is motivated by the assumption that wh-elements can act as landing sites for wh-movement due