

What Semiotics can and cannot do for HCI


Semiotics is 'the mathematics of the humanities' in the sense that it provides an abstract language covering a diversity of special sign-usage (language, pictures, movies, theatre, etc.). In this capacity, Semiotics is helpful for bringing insights from


Illocutionary force and degrees of strength in language use


In this paper, I propose to deal with mitigation/reinforcement phenomena in terms of 'degrees of strength' of speech acts, and in particular of their illocutionary force. Some aspects of the received conception of a speech act do not allow illocutionary


Extending the reach of the classroom with web-based programs


Today's Web-based course management programs offer ways to reduce the amount of time teachers spend on clerical duties, repetitive tasks, and record keeping. They blend text, images, audio, and video into a unique instructional medium and make it availab


The small world of human language


Words in human language interact in sentences in non-random ways, and allow humans to construct an astronomic variety of sentences from a limited number of discrete units. This construction process is extremely fast and robust. The co-occurrence of words


Mathematics, language and translation


The mathematical discourse is not possible without a fertile use of natural language. Its texts are a combination symbols, natural language, diagrams and so on. To coherently read these texts is to be involved in the activity of translation. Applied mathe