In this paper, we draw on data from world languages teachers (English, Spanish and French, in particular) to explore and unpack binaries encountered i... [more]
Decades of research has investigated the heterogeneity of English among speakers of various linguistic and cultural backgrounds, but there still remai... [more]
This article tests the hypothesis that young children have a maturational difficulty with A-chain formation that makes them unable to represent unaccusative verbs in an adultlike fashion. We report the results of a test of children's performance on the g
Semiotics is 'the mathematics of the humanities' in the sense that it provides an abstract language covering a diversity of special sign-usage (language, pictures, movies, theatre, etc.). In this capacity, Semiotics is helpful for bringing insights from
Current accounts of language alternation from an identity-related perspective (e.g. Gumperz, 1982; Myers-Scotton, 1993) are based on the view that language alternation is an instance of symbolic action. However, recent developments (e.g. Auer, 1984; Gafar
In this paper a non-cognitive, interactional concept of strategy is presented. It is argued that strategies are interactional products that may be recognizable for analysts (and interactants) under certain conditions, whereas 'intentions' (or 'strategi
In this paper, I propose to deal with mitigation/reinforcement phenomena in terms of 'degrees of strength' of speech acts, and in particular of their illocutionary force. Some aspects of the received conception of a speech act do not allow illocutionary
Standard models for model predicate logic consist of a Kripke frame whose worlds come equipped with relational structures. Both modal and two-sorted predicate logic are natural languages for speaking about such models. In this paper we compare their expre
The nature of Afro-Hispanic language as depicted in Caribbean literature is the subject of considerable controversy. In addition to the fact that nearly all texts were literary imitations written by white authors, the documents themselves exhibit consider
Today's Web-based course management programs offer ways to reduce the amount of time teachers spend on clerical duties, repetitive tasks, and record keeping. They blend text, images, audio, and video into a unique instructional medium and make it availab
Children's perceptions of other cultures are formed, at least in part, by the books they read; yet the potential of children's literature in the UK as a site for international cultural exchange is limited by a lack of translations and a historical resis
The study of patients with acquired language disorders has provided crucial evidence for contemporary theories on mental lexical representation. This is particularly true for the representation of morphologically complex words. In this paper we analyzed t
Words in human language interact in sentences in non-random ways, and allow humans to construct an astronomic variety of sentences from a limited number of discrete units. This construction process is extremely fast and robust. The co-occurrence of words
Ordinary in prose translation, rhythm is usually not a matter of great concern for the translator. Unlike poetry, with its comparatively rigid form, prose, by its very nature, permits a free form fluidity, giving the translator a certain kind of carte bla
This article focuses on technical translation and the demands imposed on subject-field expert translators who must decide how they can reconcile the linguistic constraints imposed by a particular language with the communicative expectations found in a par
The mathematical discourse is not possible without a fertile use of natural language. Its texts are a combination symbols, natural language, diagrams and so on. To coherently read these texts is to be involved in the activity of translation. Applied mathe
One of the central problems in creole studies is the nature of the processes that are involved in creolization. This paper investigates this issue with regard to the restructuring of the syllable in the genesis of one English-based creole, Sranan. In the