In this paper, we draw on data from world languages teachers (English, Spanish and French, in particular) to explore and unpack binaries encountered i... [more]
Decades of research has investigated the heterogeneity of English among speakers of various linguistic and cultural backgrounds, but there still remai... [more]
Based on data from spoken narrative discourse in Yiddish, this paper analyses two structures common in Yiddish narrations: The placement of the finite verb in the first position of a declarative sentence, and topicalization. Like German, Yiddish word orde
Seeking evidence from its discursive purposes, its sequential positions in interaction, and the nature of the activity it is situated in, we re-examine the form dui bu dui 'correct-not-correct' that was used during four class meetings, a total of six ho
This paper reports on a corpus-based intercultural communication study comparing the syntactic form and pragmatic use of tags by non-native speakers (Hong Kong Chinese) and native speakers of English. It outlines the main findings and seeks to explain whe
Modal particles are abundant in German, but rather rare in many other languages, e.g., Romance languages. While it is evident that some have more modal particles than others, it seems difficult to conceive of the function of modal particles as being restr
The article posits the existence of a nexus between some language dimensions on the one hand, and the type of party system and degree of electoral volatility on the other. The first part dissects the old language of politics, these days contemptuously ref
The belief that apocalyptic expectations existed at the turn of the first millennium is no longer widely held, even though some recent scholars have suggested that they did . This papers seeks to confirm the notion that, at least in the monastic milieu, b
The usko-Mediterraneans peoples are defined as ancient and present day populations that have lived in the Mediterranean/Middle-East/Caucasus area and have spoken a Basque related language. The present day existing populations show an HLA genetic relatedne
A number of SLA studies indicate that social factors play a crucial role in the language use and performance of second-language learners participating in immersion experiences. Tarone and Swain (1995) described the impact of social pressures in the langua
The benefits of enhanced written input, premised on the roles of attention and awareness (noticing) in second/foreign language (L2) learning, have produced mixed results in SLA literature. One plausible explanation maybe offline data elicitation procedure
Representations of mannequins and mannequin-like forms appear as occasional yet very vivid creations in key poetic works of Lorca and Salinas. These images, rooted in early Twentieth Century vanguard currents, add a powerful visual dimension to both autho
A corpus of novels and short stories containing Spanish/English code-switching offers a rich source of metalinguistic reference reflecting the sociolinguistic pressures faced Spanish speakers in the United States. Issues represented include: heritage lang
I claim that the balance of nature metaphor is shorthand for a paradigmatic view of nature as a beneficent force. I trace the historical origins of this concept and demonstrate that it operates today in the discipline of population ecology. Although it mi
At the end of the nineteenth century, medical paradigms of menstruation were located in a language of pathology and disability. Women were, therefore, perceived as incapable of competing with men in the world of education, work, and economics on account o
This paper investigates the idiosyncratic understanding of universal quantifiers such as every, each, or all by English and Korean speaking children, and argues that the phenomenon of 'quantifier spreading' is explicable in terms of the maturation of bo
The focus of this study was the use of grammatical morphology by Spanish-speaking preschoolers with specific language impairment (SLI). Relative to both same-age peers and younger typically developing children with similar mean lengths of utterance (MLUs)