In this paper, we draw on data from world languages teachers (English, Spanish and French, in particular) to explore and unpack binaries encountered i... [more]
Decades of research has investigated the heterogeneity of English among speakers of various linguistic and cultural backgrounds, but there still remai... [more]
This article describes part of a longitudinal study off the casual conversations of six students as they become members of an academic discourse community. This article focuses on the speech acts of the students' language. It suggests a model of speech a
This paper explores the distribution of pitch maxima in the texts of oral narratives solicited from native speakers of standard North American English and second language speakers of English from Japan. Based on the hypothesis that intonational high point
The word 'actually' often refers to what is in fact the case, but it also often points to what would have been the case in a possible situation that is being envisaged. To capture such nuances, the formal languages discussed in the paper add subscripts
A new approach to truth is offered which dispenses with the truth predicate, and replaces it with a special kind of quantifier which simultaneously binds variables in sentential and nominal positions. The resulting theory of truth for a (first-order) lang
This is the second part of a paper dealing with truth and translation. In Part A a revised version of Tarski's Convention T has been presented, which explicitly refers to a translation mapping from the object language to the metalanguage; the vague notio
This paper intends to invoke the spirit of Hegel as the eminence grise behind analytical continental philosophy. Both movements can be seen to originate in, or to receive a strong impetus in their development from, a repudiation of Hegel. even Russell's
We define QLGQ, a query language with generalized quantifiers, which uses only conjuction to combine formulas, the rest of its expressive power coming from generalized quantification. However, the language is not safe. A safe (and domain independent) subl
Standard views of morphology in Modem Standard Arabic hold that surface word forms comprise at least two morphemes: a three-consonantal root conveying semantic meaning and a word pattern carrying syntactic information. An alternative account claims that s
We explore the features of a corpus of naturally occurring word substitution speech errors. Words are replaced by more imageable competitors in semantic substitution errors but not in phonological substitution errors. Frequency effects in these errors are
Non-native speakers who are not yet competent in their second language frequently use linguistic forms which differ from the native standard. Native speakers sometimes correct the deviations. This paper explores the selectivity of correction: What is the
This paper is a tentative description of the function that the non-standard use of the particle piles has in Andean Spanish, a dialect that exists due to the contact of Spanish and Andean indigenous languages. Following Prince's framework of information
Where do Paul Tillich's views of the relationship between religion and science fit in Ian Barbour's four classifications of conflict, independence, dialogue, and integration? At different:levels of analysis, he fits in all of them. In concrete religions
This article examines the criterion-related validity of the results obtained by the application of four different methods of assessment to the correction of a second-year exam of translation into the foreign language (Spanish-English) done by 64 universit
Four experiments examined Dutch listeners' use of suprasegmental information in spoken-word recognition. Isolated syllables excised from minimal stress pairs such as VOORnaam/voorNAAM could be reliably assigned to their source words. In lexical decision,
After reviewing situational and demographic factors that have been argued to affect speakers' disfluency rates, we examined disfluency rates in a corpus of task-oriented conversations (Schober & Carstensen, 2001) with variables that might affect fluency