

Context is/as critique


In this article the treatment of context in two schools of contemporary discourse analysis - Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Conversation Analysis (CA) - is discussed. Starting from the observation that critical trends in discourse analysis identify

Semi-institutional discourse: The case of talk shows

Semi-institutional discourse: The case of talk shows


This paper explores the nature of the talk show as a particular instance of broadcast discourse, which is envisaged both as a media product and as an ongoing talk-oriented process. The analysis focuses on the discursive features of the talk show, regarded


Definition of open language


Open languages are the new class of formal languages proposed by the author. A language of this class combines the grammar of an object-oriented programming language with the universality of a natural language. The open language allows the creation of a m

Attention to language: Lessons learned at the dinner table

Attention to language: Lessons learned at the dinner table


The ordinary discourse of parents, and to a lesser degree young children, includes a surprising amount of attention to language. The dinner table conversations of 22 middle class families, each with a child between 2 and 51/2 years of age, were recorded.


The declarative/procedural model of lexicon and grammar


Our use of language depends upon two capacities: a mental lexicon of memorized words and a mental grammar of rules that underlie the sequential and hierarchical composition of lexical forms into predictably structured larger words, phrases, and sentences.