The great tunes of the Hough: Music and song in Alan Garner's The 'Stone Book Quartet'

Author:Godek, S

Article Title:The great tunes of the Hough: Music and song in Alan Garner's The 'Stone Book Quartet'

Although song and music are often elements in children's books, little critical attention has gone into examining their literary uses. Alan Garner's The Stone Book Quartet is an example of four texts for children in which music plays a vital role. The several snatches of traditional songs found throughout the quartet bring to life the culture of the characters but also are tied to the conflicts that occur within the stories. An exploration of Garner's use of song uncovers the underlying theme of the book--the necessity of balance in our lives.

Keywords: Alan Garner; The Stone Book Quartet; music; song

DOI: 10.1023/B:CLID.0000018901.79549.1b


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