Article Title:Arbitrariness, disputes and principles in the censorship of books by the Council of Castile (1752-1808)
The article examines the censorship activity of the Council of Castile, beginning with the laws and their interpretation, which sometimes led to disagreement with the Inquisition. Specific focus is paid to treatment of literature, the critical essay press, the period of greater openness (1785-1791), and to worries about bans aired in the Conversations of Perico and Marica (1788). As an instance of the new practice of an author being given access to negative censorship reports an analysis is presented of the banning of Frances Burney's novel Cecilia (1794-1795), rejected as not 'useful' by a censor specialized in Ecclesiastical Law. El articulo examina la actuacion censora del Consejo de Castilla, empezando con la legislacion y su interpretacion, que a veces originaron conflictos posteriores con la Inquisicion. Se presta atencion especial a los tramites en torno a la literatura, la prensa critica, el periodo de mayor apertura (1785-1791), y las dudas sobre censura expresadas en las Conversaciones de Perico y Marica (1788). Como muestra de la nueva practica de que un autor contestara a censuras negativas se analiza la condena de la novela Cecilia de Frances Burney (1794-1795), cuyo texto no le parecia 'util' a un censor especializado en derecho eclesiastico.
Keywords: Publication legislation; measures questioned; literature; theatre; poetry; translations; essay press; Inquisition; Spanish state censorship; 1752-1808: slight opening; literary cases; critical press; Conversations of Perico and Marica; Frances Burney's Cecilia banned; Legislacion de imprenta; normas disputadas; literatura de creacion; teatro; poesia; traduccion; prensa critica; Inquisicion; Censura estatal espanola; 1752-1808: apertura; casos literarios; prensa critica; Conversaciones de Perico y Marica; rechazo de Cecilia de Frances Burney
DOI: 10.1080/14753820.2023.2269679
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