

The transformations of a name:: Saavedra and Cervantes


Saavedra was not Cervantes's last name, nor one that his direct ancestors bore. The writer assumed this surname after his return from Barbary, where he was a captive from 1575 to 1580. This surname acquires an extraordinary significance in the light of t


Ricoeur versus Taylor on language and narrative


Although Ricoeur and Taylor are often grouped together, their conceptions of language, literature, and practical reason are very different. The first half of this essay focuses on Ricoeur's theory of triple mimesis and narrative, showing how his attempt


The discourse use of French donc in imperative sentences


It seems that the French particle done is not always used as a conjunction of argumentation, linking the antecedent to the consequent and presenting the consequent as a kind of logical result of the antecedent, as is the case in its inferential use: 'Il