

Slowing and Stilling: Gardening and Releasing


This article will share the early stages of a research project about gardening and dance/embodiment, one that examines ideas of practice, activities and art. It is fragile, and a disclosing of a process in a way that we do not normally share: so often our


Body inking : butoh : (a poetic narrative) : ... artist pages


The writing becomes a limbed extension - a dance - inked on shore and paper by a body moving in these artist pages. The author poetically captures the process of engaging in the 22nd annual Kokoro Dance Theatre Society's Wreck Beach Butoh Intensive: a ni


The concept of choreography in the midst of change


From examples on the context of contemporary dance in Sao Paulo, in a dialogue with other Brazilian and foreign corners, especially in the USA and Europe, we focus on updating the concept of choreography, no longer understood as repeatable fixed sequences


Bodies That Cannot Listen


This is a brief reflection on the consequences of the commodification of dance cultures from the former colonised world and the ways they are consumed in Europe. Inspired from ten years of fieldwork, the ethnic structuring of postcolonial dance floors in