

Siyosapa: At the Edge of Art


The art history of Native North America built its corpus through considerations of art-by-appropriation, referring to selections of historically produced objects reconsidered as art, due to their artful properties, in addition to art-by-intention, referri


Two-tier dance: dis/embodying eros in the Canticle of Canticles


If eros appears as an enigma, in that it both says and silences the inexpressible, harasses and provokes (Levinas, Totality and Infinity 260), in the Song of Songs such enigma is semiotically rendered as a relationship with what always slips away (Levinas


Dancing with Sainte Foy. Movement and the Iconic Presence


An exceptional work of early medieval art, the reliquary of Sainte Foy in Conques is the perfect object for understanding the notion of iconic presence around the year 1000. Bernard of Angers wrote his well-known Liber miraculorum to promote the cult of t

Acupuncture for 14 cases of Meige's syndrome II

Acupuncture for 14 cases of Meige's syndrome II


Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of acupuncture for Meige's syndrome II. Methods: Fourteen patients of Meige's syndrome II were treated with acupuncture. The acupoints included bilateral Taichong ((sic)LR3), Sanyinjiao ((sic)SP6), Taixi((sic)