【Music】Article four: 'Digital music and critical music literacy'
The Society of Music Analysis report indicated that digital music often sits uncomfortably within a curriculum where the main focus is on the non-digi... [more]
The Society of Music Analysis report indicated that digital music often sits uncomfortably within a curriculum where the main focus is on the non-digi... [more]
Music teacher identity is constructed at the intersection between musician and teacher. This study investigated the meaning of music-making among Kore... [more]
This contribution to the 'Archives of the Dance' series explores Chisenhale Dance Space's collection and my work with it as a PhD researcher. My re...
A Tunisian youth movement, Dancers Citizens South (DCS), founded on 31 May 2015, encourages young people to find agency in their communities by creati...
We investigate a data-driven approach to the analysis and transcription of polyphonic music, using a probabilistic model which is able to find sparse linear decompositions of a sequence of short-term Fourier spectra. The resulting system represents each i
MUSIC superresolution algorithm can estimate the DOAs (directions of arrival) of multiple waves closing less than the beam width. However, the MUSIC algorithm is usually applied to a DBF (digital beam forming) array antenna, and it was difficult to apply
In this paper, we investigate the problem of automatic singer identification, detection and tracking in popular music recordings with one or multiple singers. This problem reflects an important issue in multimedia applications that require the transcripti
We examine the role of in-store music-brand fit in reinforcing brand position using in-depth interviews. Fit is particularly important for stores wishing to attract new consumers without prior brand experience or knowledge because these consumers view mus
The increasing use of structured information on the web demands new ways of searching and integrating data from different sources. In this paper, we focus on the use of unique representations of data objects in terms of public repositories (in this case M
The art history of Native North America built its corpus through considerations of art-by-appropriation, referring to selections of historically produced objects reconsidered as art, due to their artful properties, in addition to art-by-intention, referri
While fatphobia runs rampant in traditional reality television programs, the advancement of the body-positive movement has made media representations of fat people far more complex. Utilizing TLC's My Big Fat Fabulous Life as a case study, the author add
If eros appears as an enigma, in that it both says and silences the inexpressible, harasses and provokes (Levinas, Totality and Infinity 260), in the Song of Songs such enigma is semiotically rendered as a relationship with what always slips away (Levinas
Contemporary music education leaders suggest ambiguous definitions of diversity, often assuming it both unquestionably good and compatible with equity. The purpose of this inquiry is to explore the assumptions underlying such discourse. First, I use the l
This article examines Cuban choreographer Alberto Alonso and his dance contributions to Cuban musical theatre from the 1940s through the early 1960s. The analysis integrates the histories of Alonso's training, performance career and choreographic output
The relationship of listening to music while eating with food consumption in the natural environment was assessed in 78 college students. They recorded their food intake along with environmental factors such as meal duration, music, including speed and vo
Objective: This study tests the validity of the Rap-music Attitude and Perception (RAP) Scale, a 1-page, 24-item measure of a person's thoughts and feelings surrounding the effects and content of rap music. The RAP was designed as a rapid assessment inst
The enhancing effect of music on autobiographical memory recall in mild Alzheimer's disease individuals (n = 10; Mini-Mental State Examination score >17/30) and healthy elderly matched individuals ( n = 10; Mini-Mental State Examination score 25 - 30) wa
This study investigated people's sensitivity to audiovisual asynchrony in briefly-presented speech and musical videos. A series of speech (letters and syllables) and guitar and piano music (single and double notes) video clips were presented randomly at
Background:Children and adolescents with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) presenting with significant limitations in conventional forms of verbal and non-verbal communication are found to respond positively to music therapy intervention involving both act