

Unsupervised analysis of polyphonic music by sparse coding


We investigate a data-driven approach to the analysis and transcription of polyphonic music, using a probabilistic model which is able to find sparse linear decompositions of a sequence of short-term Fourier spectra. The resulting system represents each i


MusiDB - A personalized search engine for music


The increasing use of structured information on the web demands new ways of searching and integrating data from different sources. In this paper, we focus on the use of unique representations of data objects in terms of public repositories (in this case M


Siyosapa: At the Edge of Art


The art history of Native North America built its corpus through considerations of art-by-appropriation, referring to selections of historically produced objects reconsidered as art, due to their artful properties, in addition to art-by-intention, referri


Two-tier dance: dis/embodying eros in the Canticle of Canticles


If eros appears as an enigma, in that it both says and silences the inexpressible, harasses and provokes (Levinas, Totality and Infinity 260), in the Song of Songs such enigma is semiotically rendered as a relationship with what always slips away (Levinas

Rap-music attitude and perception scale: A validation study

Rap-music attitude and perception scale: A validation study


Objective: This study tests the validity of the Rap-music Attitude and Perception (RAP) Scale, a 1-page, 24-item measure of a person's thoughts and feelings surrounding the effects and content of rap music. The RAP was designed as a rapid assessment inst