

Music, madness and the body: symptom and cure


Building on Sander L. Gilman's exemplary work on images of madness and the body, this article examines images of music, madness and the body by discussing the persistent cultural beliefs stemming from Classical Antiquity that underpin music as medicinal.


A new 17th-century Iberian source of instrumental music


The finding of a new musical source is always exciting. It helps to fill in gaps and bring up new questions to Music History. The recent rediscovery of a new Iberian source for instrumental music is no exception. From the rich musical tradition of the San


Permanent confrontations in artistic activism


The present article proposes to discuss the importance and urgency of the artivist actions in the present times, especially with regard to dance. To this end, we use the term hegemony in the terms proposed by the Italian Marxist thinker Antonio Gramsci, a