

This confused music


This essay explores Proust's use of Vinteuil as a way to consider the relationship between artistic genius and perceived eccentricity. Vinteuil is presented both a 'foolish old man' and a composer of genius, thus staging a tension between the contingen


Article four: 'Digital music and critical music literacy'


The Society of Music Analysis report indicated that digital music often sits uncomfortably within a curriculum where the main focus is on the non-digital. This article takes as its starting point a broad definition of digital music as both a type of music

Dancing Bodies in Zadie Smith's Swing Time

Dancing Bodies in Zadie Smith's Swing Time


This essay reads Zadie Smith's Swing Time (2016) as generating innovative and insightful conversations between literary criticism and dance studies. Smith's novel explores the onstage and offstage performative experiences and challenges of hybridized bo


Toward a Narratology of Western Narrative Teatre Dance


Dance is barely present in narrative studies. It is generally accepted as a narrative medium, yet lacks a systematic study that addresses its distinctive qualities. This article focuses on generic theoretical issues of dance as a narrative medium and disc

Dance education for exercise rehabilitation: a literature review

Dance education for exercise rehabilitation: a literature review


In recent year, there has been growing recognition of the role of dance education in exercise rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to explore the incorporation of dance into rehabilitation programs, drawing upon literature analysis and empirical evid


Becoming Al-Sarab: A Dance Education Narrative


This narrative inquiry article tells the story of Al-Sarab Dance School, which began as a series of summer dance workshops taught by Nadra Assaf in the 1980s in and around Byblos, Lebanon. The workshops occurred during the Lebanese civil war and were an o


Irish dance and identity politics on TikTok


During the COVID-19 pandemic TikTok became a vibrant virtual space to circulate dance performances and challenges when other forms of movement were heavily restricted. A new generation of Irish dancers joined the app to share their choreographies and crea