【Music】Article four: 'Digital music and critical music literacy'
The Society of Music Analysis report indicated that digital music often sits uncomfortably within a curriculum where the main focus is on the non-digi... [more]
The Society of Music Analysis report indicated that digital music often sits uncomfortably within a curriculum where the main focus is on the non-digi... [more]
Music teacher identity is constructed at the intersection between musician and teacher. This study investigated the meaning of music-making among Kore... [more]
This contribution to the 'Archives of the Dance' series explores Chisenhale Dance Space's collection and my work with it as a PhD researcher. My re...
A Tunisian youth movement, Dancers Citizens South (DCS), founded on 31 May 2015, encourages young people to find agency in their communities by creati...
An urban university music education department and an outreach organization partnered to provide after-school music classes for at-risk children. Fourteen music education majors were recruited to teach 125 first through fifth graders (6-12 years of age),
Backround: The use of music as intervention for relieving pain has increased in recent years, prompting its growing use among the people of the western world. However, among Asians, music has long been used for this purpose and continues to be so today. D
Product sampling is an important marketing strategy for experience goods like music, but on-line digital music sampling has not been explored in the literature. Based on an experimental study, this paper investigates some regularities of digital music sam
Recorded music is vital to the construction of personal and collective cultural memory. My examination of the interrelation between personal and collective memories of popular music assumes both that human memory is simultaneously embodied, enabled, and e
Listening to digital music on a computer has led to a loss of part of the physical experience associated with earlier media formats such as CDs and LPs. This paper presents a series of steps and decisions that led to the design of MusicCube, a tangible us
This article will share the early stages of a research project about gardening and dance/embodiment, one that examines ideas of practice, activities and art. It is fragile, and a disclosing of a process in a way that we do not normally share: so often our
BACKGROUND: The identification of movement patterns that may aid dance performance may allow intervention to maximize performance and reduce injury. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of the Star Excursion Balance Test in predicting mec
In this research we ask: where are the bodies, in the Law? We consider the possibility of thinking about a Law than can be danced. To fulfill this purpose, we will use the methodology of trialistic theory of law. Thus, we will have a socio-normative-evalu
The writing becomes a limbed extension - a dance - inked on shore and paper by a body moving in these artist pages. The author poetically captures the process of engaging in the 22nd annual Kokoro Dance Theatre Society's Wreck Beach Butoh Intensive: a ni
The primary purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of South Korean women doing serious leisure in what is widely known as a stigmatized activity, pole dance. It seeks to understand the experiences of South Korean women participating in pole d
Searching and organizing growing digital music collections requires a computational model of music similarity. This paper describes a system for performing flexible music similarity queries using SVM active learning. We evaluated the success of our system
Music sequences can be treated as texts in order to perform music retrieval tasks on them. However, the text search problems that result from this modeling are unique to music retrieval. Up to date, several approaches derived from classical string matchin
The aim of this paper is to report an investigation of the effects of soft music on sleep quality in older community-dwelling men and women in Taiwan. Sleep is a complex rhythmic state that may be affected by the ageing process. Few studies have focused o
From the beginning of the 1980s, many second-order (SO) high-resolution direction-finding methods, such as the MUSIC method (or 2-MUSIC), have been developed mainly to process efficiently the multisource environments. Despite of, their great interests, th
The present study used pleasant and unpleasant music to evoke emotion and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to determine neural correlates of emotion processing. Unpleasant (permanently dissonant) music contrasted with pleasant (consonant) musi