

Music as nursing intervention for pain in five Asian countries


Backround: The use of music as intervention for relieving pain has increased in recent years, prompting its growing use among the people of the western world. However, among Asians, music has long been used for this purpose and continues to be so today. D


MusicCube: a physical experience with digital music


Listening to digital music on a computer has led to a loss of part of the physical experience associated with earlier media formats such as CDs and LPs. This paper presents a series of steps and decisions that led to the design of MusicCube, a tangible us


Slowing and Stilling: Gardening and Releasing


This article will share the early stages of a research project about gardening and dance/embodiment, one that examines ideas of practice, activities and art. It is fragile, and a disclosing of a process in a way that we do not normally share: so often our


Body inking : butoh : (a poetic narrative) : ... artist pages


The writing becomes a limbed extension - a dance - inked on shore and paper by a body moving in these artist pages. The author poetically captures the process of engaging in the 22nd annual Kokoro Dance Theatre Society's Wreck Beach Butoh Intensive: a ni


Support vector machine active learning for music retrieval


Searching and organizing growing digital music collections requires a computational model of music similarity. This paper describes a system for performing flexible music similarity queries using SVM active learning. We evaluated the success of our system


Flexible music retrieval in sublinear time


Music sequences can be treated as texts in order to perform music retrieval tasks on them. However, the text search problems that result from this modeling are unique to music retrieval. Up to date, several approaches derived from classical string matchin

Music improves sleep quality in older adults

Music improves sleep quality in older adults


The aim of this paper is to report an investigation of the effects of soft music on sleep quality in older community-dwelling men and women in Taiwan. Sleep is a complex rhythmic state that may be affected by the ageing process. Few studies have focused o


Investigating emotion with music:: An fMRI study


The present study used pleasant and unpleasant music to evoke emotion and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to determine neural correlates of emotion processing. Unpleasant (permanently dissonant) music contrasted with pleasant (consonant) musi