

Effects of watermark and music on mobile message advertisements


The development of mobile telecommunication has made breakthrough advances in recent years. Compared to the Internet, mobile telecommunications has anywhere, anytime and always online characteristics. As growth in the Internet advertising market continues


The clinical effects of music therapy in palliative medicine


Goal: This study was to objectively assess the effect of music therapy on patients with advanced disease. Patients and methods: Two hundred patients with chronic and/or advanced illnesses were prospectively evaluated. The effects of music therapy on these


Toward a sociobiology of music


WE PROPOSE A CONTINUED EVALUATION of Darwin's suggestion that musical functioning is sexually selected, because of recent evidence on sexual dimorphism and its relation to potentially musical activities. We also propose specifically that music may enhanc


Music in dreams


Music in dreams is rarely reported in scientific literature, while the presence of musical themes in dreams of famous musicians is anecdotally reported. We did a systematic investigation to evaluate whether the occurrence of musical dreams could be relate


Dancing in and out of the archive


This article explores how the body of early twentieth-century dancer Carmen Tortola Valencia captured the imagination of diverse audiences in the decades up to the declaration of the Second Spanish Republic, drawing on testimonies by her contemporaries an